What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus (or COVID-19) is a new virus that affects your lungs and airways. The symptoms of coronavirus are possessing a high temperature, a cough and being short on breath. There is currently no cure or vaccine for Coronavirus, but help and support is available from local charities.
What are the symptoms?
If you are infected you experience a range of symptoms but the two symptoms to look out for are:
- A new continuous cough
- A fever or high temperature
What should I do if I have either of the above symptoms?
- Protect others - don't call NHS 111
- Protect others - don't call, or go to your GP
- Protect others - don't go to your local hospital
If you live alone - stay at home without any visitors (self-isolate) immediately for 7 days
If you live with others - you should all isolate yourselves at home for 14 days - this 14-day period starts from the day the first person in the home noticed the symptoms.
You staying at home for 7 or 14 days will stop you causing other people to get sick and possibly die - don't risk it.
For anyone in your home who starts displaying symptoms, they need to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared, regardless of what day they are on in the original 14-day isolation period.
You can book a test or request for a home test kit from the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/ask-for-a-coronavirus-test
If at-risk people share your home - such as those who are older and those with underlying health conditions - ideally they should move out, perhaps to stay with friends or family for the whole isolation period. If they can't move out, they must keep as much distance as possible from others in the home during this period. Use disinfectant to keep surfaces clean, wash hands and keep them away from your face.
For further information read this government advice on staying at home and self-isolating.
What are my responsibilities?
You should stay at home as much as possible and avoid large gatherings.
You can only meet up to 15 people from 7 other households outdoors, and 8 people from 2 other household indoors.
If you are planning to donate blood, please follow the latest advice from: https://www.blood.co.uk/news-and-campaigns/news-and-statements/coronavirus-covid-19-updates/
You should regularly wash your hands with warm water and soap, or alcoholic hand sanitiser if this is not possible.
If you go outside, you must stay at least 2 metres (6 feet) apart from people outside of your household at all times.
In shops, you should wear a face covering at all times.
Steps to stop the spread of the virus:
- Avoid non-essential contact with others - work from home if you can and avoid mass gatherings - if you do go out keep 6 feet (2metres) distance.
- Wash your hands - with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds. Do this before leaving home and after returning home, before eating and drinking, and after coughing or sneezing.
- Cover your mouth and nose - with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze - tissue in the bin and wash, or disinfect, your hands immediately.
- Don't touch your face - especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Clean surfaces - disinfect surfaces around you - especially mobiles, computers, keyboards, worktops, desks, handles...
For more information, please visit: www.nhsinform.scot/coronavirus and www.gov.uk/coronavirus
Further advice
Businesses should visit https://findbusinesssupport.gov.scot/coronavirus-advice or call 0300 303 0660 for advice and support.
If you require any further advice or assistance, please contact Councillor Martin Dowey:
- Email address: martin.dowey@south-ayrshire.gov.uk
- Telephone number: 07583036724